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Network programmability is a set of tools to deploy, manage, and troubleshoot a network device. A programmability-enabled network is driven by intelligent software that can deal with a single node or a group of nodes or even or address the network a single unified element. The tool chain uses application programming interfaces or APIs, which serve as the interface to the device or controller. The tool chain also utilizes software that uses the API to gather data or intelligently build configurations.

Network programmability is a set of tools to deploy, manage, and troubleshoot a network device. A programmability-enabled network is driven by intelligent software that can deal with a single node or a group of nodes or even or address the network a single unified element. The tool chain uses application programming interfaces or APIs, which serve as the interface to the device or controller. The tool chain also utilizes software that uses the API to gather data or intelligently build configurations.

Integrative programming deals with an integration approaches and techniques. that connect different components of IT infrastructure- people, applications, platforms. and databases to enable a secure, intra and inter application collaboration.

Integrative programming deals with an integration approaches and techniques. that connect different components of IT infrastructure- people, applications, platforms. and databases to enable a secure, intra and inter application collaboration.

Information Assurance and Security (IAS) combines the fields of Information Security Assurance and Information Security for the purposes of assuring and managing the security risks related to confidential information, throughout the process of transmission, processing, and storing.

Information Assurance and Security (IAS) combines the fields of Information Security Assurance and Information Security for the purposes of assuring and managing the security risks related to confidential information, throughout the process of transmission, processing, and storing.

This is a Maritime Review Class for  Marine Engineering students.

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